
Monday, April 2, 2018

Show Your True Colors!
Paint a Chalk Wall and Inspire Your Students

 I have had such a fun time with our hallway chalk wall--a great outlet for my creative side.  At the intersection of two wide hallways (interior), there was a large expanse of emptiness, and I thought, what can I do with this space?  I didn't want to paint a mural--I wanted something I could change with the seasons and what we're currently studying.  What I found was chalkboard paint! 

I tried both the Rustoleum and the Valspar, and liked the Valspar better--it seemed to cover better.  I needed three coats in order to get a smooth, uniform surface.  One can ($10) gave me two solid coats for a 6' x 6' area.   I use the regular sidewalk chalk you find at Michael's.

I usually do two boards every month or so.  Last month I did a Martin Luther King Jr quote for Black history month: 

I use an old-fashioned overhead projector since I have 0% artistic talent.  I copy an image onto transparency film (I still have a box of it from the bad old days, pre-computer document reader).  Here's my colleague working on her history quote board:
Great fun!   And the kids really seem to respond to it.  Pro tip: situate your chalk wall in an area where the kids are not prone to rubbing against the wall.  Here are some more examples:



1 comment:

  1. So that's your secret...the overhead projector and chalkboard paint! I love your boards.
